Thursday, October 28, 2010

The Ashes: Andrew Strauss excited by Ashes challenge


Andrew Strauss is ready to deal with the pressure of expectation as England prepare to depart for Australia with their best chance of winning down under in more than 20 years. The pre-Ashes hype is well underway on both sides of the world although Strauss doesn't feel the need to be drawn into any slanging matches before the action gets underway.
England haven't won in Australia since 1986-87 but on the back of a successful 18 months which has seen the team win the Ashes at home, draw in South Africa and beat Pakistan 3-1 there is a feeling that the squad has the ability to turn over the hosts who have lost their last three Tests and slipped below England in the rankings. Victory in Australia would cement Strauss's position as one of his country's finest captains, but he is putting individual thoughts to one side.
"I think we all feel a slight burden of responsibility but that's mixed in with a huge amount of pride in representing our country in what is a massive series," Strauss said. "From my own point of view I'm relaxed but excited about our prospects. Those of us on the last tour know what a tough place it is to tour but we also know what an amazing thing it would be to win out there. I think we have a great chance. The only time the 5-0 result will be wiped out is if we go out and win this time. That's our challenge."
There is unlikely to be any shortage of mentions of what happened four years ago when England arrived holding the Ashes before being thrashed by a rampant home side, but already there are differences from that tour. The squad is settled and the ECB have gone to great lengths to lay on the ideal preparation with a month-long lead-in period before the first Test including three first-class matches.
"We've had a lot of success over the last 18 months so confidence levels are very high," Strauss said. "Our preparation has been very good and so there's a feeling of relaxed excitement of what lies ahead. We have an excellent chance of winning out there, we are a nice tight unit and know what to expect.
"We've left no stone unturned in making sure that we hit the ground running. Ultimately preparation only takes you so far and you have to front up in the crucial sessions but I have every confidence our players will be able to do that."
Strauss also attempted to put to bed talk about injuries sustained during the team's bonding camp in Germany. James Anderson returned with a cracked rib and it also emerged that Chris Tremlett suffered bruising, but both are not causing the captain any concern. "Chris is 100% fit. I think he had a tiny niggle but it hasn't affected his preparation at all," he said. "Jimmy Anderson is coming on well and we fully expect our squad to be 100% fit by the first Test."

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